This is a spider monkey! biggest species in ecuador, and.. in the world?(i think dont quote me on it)
This monkeu tried to fight me.. a couple times
and this monkey threw dirt at us through his cage.. lots of monkeys in Ecuador..
3 meter Boa!
Got back on the boat, pretty cool ride
The Museum was pretty cool also. He showed us a bunch of trees in the jungle and their medicinal purposes, then examples of all the traps the natives used to use to catch food. Then there was this guy
Thats Franco, the monkey running around the museum. he was really dirty. And really itchy. And really wanted to be friends. Franco is our favorite monkey so far. He followed us around the entire tour, trying to break everything. He had such a funny personality, as do a lot of monkeys we're finding, but this guy especially. Eventually he found a doll to be his friend, as pictured. But he just ripped its clothes off and swung it around him on the ground the rest of the time. He was the best.
We also went and explored a cave!!!! That was so fun!!
Thats our guide. He fit just fine through the tiny passage ways...
We went swimming right under this waterfall, there were small holes of water, the deepest was about 13 feet, but theyre only about as wide as a garbage can. That was pretty awesome in a cave. The whole tour was $2. We agreed it was worth it. Yesterday we went rafting. That is a little over $2 but everyone told us it is a must do while in Ecuador, and they were right! A group of 5 of us and two guides that were both brothers (in both senses of the word) brought us down a completley remote Clas IV jungle canyon. We didnt see another raft all day, only a native from a tribe every once in a while toward the end as we got near civilization. That was a lot of fun, I'm glad we went for it.
I think that sums up the exciting things! But most days are a bit more subdued than that. Heres what a normal day in Tena has been like for us. Get up around 730 for service. Group is at 830 and we need about 20 to 30 min to get to the group depending on how long we have to wait for a bus. We walk up our road, about a quarter mile walk
To the luxurious bus stop!
A walk through town brings us to the service group at the hall.
Service is till about 12 here (if you're fortunate). Then all the pioneers go on studies if they have them, and everyone else goes home. This makes it super tough to make our time, but we're doing our best! I have one study, and one return visit that im gooing to start studying with on the next visit! Then we get lunch at a small place in town for $1.75, which is a bowl of soup, juice, and a main course (rice, beans, small portion of salad, and steak or chicken) I like that part of the day! We usually make it back to the house around 2, and have the reast of the day to study, find a place to use computers, go the gym (closet packed with ecuadorians using old rusty wieghts), or whatever else we want to do, although there aren't really any activities in Tena itself, besides eating cheap meals. There are a few pool halls. We tried to visit one of them, but when we told the woman we wanted to play she mummbled a few spanish words and just stared at us.. needless to say we haven't played pool yet! Meetings are thursday at 7 pm and Sunday at 830 am. Every Sunday night we play soccer with the brothers, and Monday nights is Watchtower study at the Pratts house! (brother from New Zealand) In a week we head to Salinas on the coast, about an 8 hour bus ride. My love for buses is growing by the day!! Thats all for now i think, although i always remeber things afterwards I wanted to include. Oh well, hope everyone is dealing ok with all the snow! Sounds pretty crazy!! I'll write again soon!
Giant Ecuador Adventure(r)